Locked-out Regina refinery workers fight to defend pensions

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020

Over 700 workers at the Coop Refinery in Regina, Saskatchewan, are fighting to defend their pensions. They were locked out Dec. 5 after they voted overwhelmingly to strike. Unifor, the workers union, mobilized hundreds of members from across Canada Jan.…

Ontario teachers unions protest attacks on wages and class size

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020
Four teachers unions and their supporters organized picketing in Toronto Jan. 20 as part of rotating strikes across Ontario against the provincial government’s attempt to cut school funding.

BURLINGTON, Ontario — Hundreds of teachers and community supporters picketed outside the Central Public Elementary School here Jan. 23, part of province-wide, weekly rotating strikes against the Ontario government’s attempts to cut school funding. Tens of thousands of Ontario teachers,…

Back protests against gov’t repression in Iran and Iraq

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020
Jan. 29 protest in Baghdad against gov’t repression, Tehran intervention.

Many liberal editorial writers claimed that the Jan. 2 U.S. military operation that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani would cause people to unite behind the regimes in Iran and Iraq in outrage. Soleimani commanded the Iranian rulers’ Quds Force, the wing…

Solidarity bolsters copper miners’ fight against Asarco union busting

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020
Striking copper workers’ contingent joins Martin Luther King Day parade in Tucson, Jan. 20.

HAYDEN, Ariz. — Workers on strike against copper giant Asarco are winning solidarity in their hard-fought four-month-long battle against the company’s drive to impose steep concessions and bust their unions. “We’re doing this for the next generation, for those who…

Fearing 2020 election defeat, liberals say: Convict Trump!

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020

As the Democrats and their cheerleaders in the liberal media drive to convict and throw President Donald Trump out of the White House, saying it’s the most important political question ever, the fact is most of the seats open to…

Protest hits lack of Puerto Rico gov’t response after quake

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020
Protest hits lack of Puerto Rico gov’t response after quake

“Just like with Hurricane Maria in 2017, the government is acting too slow in the wake of the earthquake,” Mildred Laboy, a teacher and leader of the Arecma community organization, told the Militant from Humacao in the U.S. colony of…

Putin moves to extend his rule, tamp down workers’ resistance

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin Jan. 15 announced “a major renewal,” which looks a lot like a plan to keep him in office indefinitely. His proposed changes to the constitution are being rolled out with great fanfare. This takes place as…

Miami Alianza Martiana headquarters vandalized

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020

MIAMI — Amid stepped-up attacks on Cuba and its revolution by Washington, rightist thugs vandalized the office of Alianza Martiana here the night of Jan. 26, spray-painting “Abajo comunistas” (Down with communists) all over its storefront. Alianza Martiana is the…

Asela de los Santos, Cuban revolutionary leader

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020

Cuban revolutionary leader Asela de los Santos Tamayo died Jan. 23 at the age of 90. She became one of the earliest supporters of the revolutionary movement that was born with the attack on the Moncada army garrison led by…

Parents protest asbestos threat in Philadelphia schools

Vol. 84/No. 5 - February 10, 2020

PHILADELPHIA — On the way home after work Jan. 17, I drove past a demonstration of parents, teachers and students from McClure Elementary School a few blocks from my row house. They were protesting elevated levels of asbestos at the…