Tens of thousands protest across Sri Lanka, demand gov’t resign

Vol. 86/No. 16 - April 25, 2022
Protest April 4, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, demands President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resign. Rest of government quit amid turmoil over deep economic crisis.

Tens of thousands of protesters in Sri Lanka, from the mostly Tamil north to the largely Sinhalese south, marched April 9 demanding President Gotabaya Rajapaksa resign. The country of 22 million is facing its worst financial crisis since independence in…

Under cover of war, Kyiv attacks political rights, unions

Vol. 86/No. 14 - April 11, 2022

Eleven Ukrainian political parties were suspended and barred from campaigning by President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government March 20 on trumped-up charges of having “links with Russia.” The majority are small left parties, like the social democratic Social Movement, but the ban…

Florida anti-solicitation law is attack on democratic rights

Vol. 86/No. 12 - March 28, 2022
Worker in Palm Beach County, Florida, looking for a job. Officials there have outlawed soliciting or panhandling on or near any road, restricting free speech and attacking political rights.

In 2015 officials in Palm Beach County, Florida, outlawed so-called panhandling or soliciting on or near any road, claiming it endangered people’s safety. Similar laws that exist across the country are used to turn workers who are homeless into criminals…

Join the fight to rid the world of the threat of nuclear war

Vol. 86/No. 11 - March 21, 2022

On the eve of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin issued a warning, “Anyone who tries to interfere with us … must know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never…

Haiti garment workers strike for higher wages

Vol. 86/No. 11 - March 21, 2022
Haiti garment workers strike for higher wages

Thousands of garment and other workers, above, took to the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, Feb. 17 demanding higher wages. Police fired into a Feb. 23 protest after the workers went on strike. Maxihen Lazzare, a reporter for Roi des…

Worldwide protests denounce Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Vol. 86/No. 10 - March 14, 2022
Tens of thousands protested in Georgian capital, Tbilisi, Feb. 24, and other cities in the days after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. “We feel for Ukrainians,” 32-year-old taxi driver Niko Tvauri told media Feb. 27, “because we’ve seen Russian’s barbaric aggression on our soil.”

Tens of thousands of people worldwide have taken to the streets demanding Moscow get its troops out of Ukraine. This includes protests in Russia and countries like Belarus, where the government provided a platform for the Russian rulers’ assault on…

Second trial for killers of Arbery is double jeopardy

Vol. 86/No. 9 - March 7, 2022

The three men convicted in November of killing Ahmaud Arbery and sentenced in a Georgia state courtroom to life in prison were prosecuted again for the very same crime, this time in federal court, in the same city. The constitutional…

Kentucky ‘Angels on Horseback’ set example in family health care

Vol. 86/No. 8 - February 28, 2022
Frontier Nursing Service brought medical care on horseback to Appalachia, treating whole families, reducing infant mortality, maternal deaths and improving health care for all.

“Angels on Horseback: Midwives in the Mountains,” a KET-TV documentary on PBS, brings to light a pioneering initiative to provide health care in rural Appalachia. Begun in 1925, the Frontier Nursing Service reduced infant mortality and maternal deaths in eastern…

SWP: ‘Combat Jew-hatred wherever it raises its head’

Vol. 86/No. 7 - February 21, 2022
Joanne Kuniansky, SWP candidate for US Congress in New Jersey, carries party placard: “It’s not ‘hate,’ it’s Jew-hatred!” in 2020 New York “No Hate, No Fear” rally that drew 25,000.

UNION CITY, N.J. — “The Socialist Workers Party and its candidates join working-class struggles against attacks by bosses and their parties, and present a course to lead workers to take power into our own hands,” Joanne Kuniansky, the SWP’s candidate…