Newton teachers make gains in spirited strike, contract battle

Vol. 88/No. 7 - February 19, 2024

Striking teachers and aides in Newton, Massachusetts, returned to their classrooms Feb. 5 after winning a new contract with solid gains in wages and benefits. Their union, the Newton Teachers Association, didn’t get everything it wanted, but by going on…

Newton teachers win support in strike for wages, schedules

Vol. 88/No. 6 - February 12, 2024

Teachers and aides on strike in Newton, Massachusetts, remain solid on the picket lines in the longest teachers strike in recent state history. The Newton Teachers Association members voted by 98% to strike Jan. 18, after more than a year…

Farmers protest across Europe, fight to defend their livelihoods

Vol. 88/No. 6 - February 12, 2024
Farmers in Beauvais, France, walk on highway toward Paris Jan. 29. Across Europe farmers are protesting skyrocketing costs, choking “climate change” rules, cuts in pay for their produce.

Long lines of French farmers driving their tractors blocked traffic around Paris and across France Jan. 29, demanding the government of President Emmanuel Macron and European Union officials put an end to policies that threaten their livelihoods. Faced with skyrocketing…

Teachers union goes on strike, speaks out against Jew-hatred

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024

Some 1,100 teachers and 800 teaching aides went on strike in Newton, Massachusetts, Jan. 19 following an overwhelming vote for action by members of the Newton Teachers Association. “The most important issue is better pay and schedules for the teaching…

German farmers clog Berlin, protest rising prices

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024
German farmers clog Berlin, protest rising prices

Some 5,000 tractors and 30,000 protesters brought Berlin’s city center to a standstill Jan. 15 as farmers protested rising prices and German government plans to cut agricultural fuel subsidies, above. Arriving overnight from across the country, farmers parking tractors nose-to-tail…

No guarantee you’ll have a place to live when you retire

Vol. 88/No. 4 - January 29, 2024

Many older workers in the U.S. confront the harsh reality that working your entire adult life doesn’t guarantee you will have a roof over your head if you retire. Millions of older adults who depend on meager Social Security benefits…

Flight attendant unions unite in call for pickets on February 13

Vol. 88/No. 3 - January 22, 2024
American Airlines flight attendants rally at Dallas-Fort Worth airport Sept. 5. More than 75,000 workers on four airlines are fighting for higher pay for all hours they work, livable schedules.

“Join us on Tuesday, February 13, for picketing at over 30 airports worldwide,” says the call posted online Jan. 3 by three unions representing nearly 100,000 flight attendants. “Stand in solidarity with us to demand that airline management stop the…

Defense, extension of political rights key for the class struggle

Vol. 88/No. 3 - January 22, 2024

President Joseph Biden implausibly likened himself to George Washington Jan. 5, at the same time he pressed further attacks on constitutional freedoms won during the Revolutionary War and the class battles that followed it. Biden and his Democratic Party have…

SWP offers class-struggle road to end Jew-hatred, strengthen unions

Vol. 87/No. 44 - November 27, 2023
Port trucker Dilraj Singh told SWP congressional candidate Margaret Trowe he welcomed the party’s defense of Israel’s right to exist. After their discussion in San Leandro, California, Nov. 5, he got a year’s subscription to the Militant, two books, gave $50 to SWP Party-Building Fund.

Members of the Socialist Workers Party and Communist Leagues in Canada, Australia and the U.K. are discussing the stakes in joining fights against Jew-hatred. They’re talking to workers at their doorsteps, on union picket lines and at protests against Hamas’…