SWP takes campaign to small towns, rural areas

By Matilde Zimmermann
March 21, 2019

Fidelina Santos buys Spanish edition of Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible? from Tom Ricci and Naomi Craine in Chicago March 12. They were campaigning door to door with Dan Fein, SWP candidate for mayor. Ricci, a rail carman, said, “This was the opposite” to his experience canvassing for Democrats years ago. People were “enthusiastic about communist literature.” Workers they met bought three books by SWP leaders and a Militant subscription.

Fidelina Santos buys Spanish edition of Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible? from Tom Ricci and Naomi Craine in Chicago March 12. They were campaigning door to door with Dan Fein, SWP candidate for mayor. Ricci, a rail carman, said, “This was the opposite” to his experience canvassing for Democrats years ago. People were “enthusiastic about communist literature.” Workers they met bought three books by SWP leaders and a Militant subscription.