25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021

May 6, 1996 In a move that restricts many democratic rights, president William Clinton signed a broad “antiterrorism” bill into law April 24. The legislation strengthens the government’s ability to arbitrarily ban or deport those it does not want to…

After outcry, SF school board reverses renaming 44 schools

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021
Martin Luther King (arriba, centro), y John Lewis (der.) en marcha de Selma a Montgomery tras cruzar puente Edmund Pettus el 21 de marzo de 1965. Recuadro, “Domingo Sangriento”, cuando Lewis fue golpeado en el puente. Pettus fue un general de la Confederación y líder del KKK. En 2015, Lewis se opuso a que se cambiara el nombre del puente. Dijo, “simboliza lo que fuimos una vez, y en lo que nos hemos convertido hoy”.

OAKLAND, Calif. — In the face of mounting opposition by parents, alumni and others, as well as a lawsuit, the San Francisco Board of Education voted 6-0 April 6 to reverse its decision to rename 44 schools. Claiming it was…

SWP ‘stimulus’ donations heading toward $150,000!

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021

Over the past week 16 contributors donated $16,800 to bring the growing total of contributions to the Socialist Workers Party from U.S. government $1,400 “stimulus” payments to $135,300 from 111 people. Dennis Richter from Los Angeles sent his contribution last…

Help ‘Militant’ win new readers, raise $145,000!

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021

The Militant is urging its readers to join us getting the paper and books on revolutionary working-class politics into the hands of working people wherever they can. We are launching a nine-week circulation and fund drive that will run from…

Protests demand Jakarta grant West Papua self-determination

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021
Picket supporting independence for West Papua outside Indonesian Consulate in New York, Oct. 23. Morning Star flag of an independent West Papua, first raised in 1961, is on right. Flag of national rights struggle in Moluccas is third from right.

NEW YORK — A picket outside the Indonesian Consulate here April 12 protested military repression in West Papua and elsewhere in the archipelago. The West Papuan people “experience systemic racist discrimination,” Julian Howay, a warehouse worker in Atlanta originally from…

SWP: ‘The people of West Papua deserve support!’

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021

The following is a statement by Rachele Fruit from the Socialist Workers Party to the 20th Session of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, April 19-30.  Distinguished guests: My name is Rachele Fruit. I am the Socialist Workers Party…

Seattle: Stop Philippines gov’t killing labor activists

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021
Seattle: Stop Philippines gov’t killing labor activists

SEATTLE — About 100 Filipino Americans, members of Bayan Pacific Northwest, Malaya Movement Seattle, and the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines, as well as Socialist Workers Party members and others gathered April 9 at Jose Rizal Park…

UK Uber drivers discuss how to advance fight for a union

Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021

LONDON — After a five-year legal battle by taxi drivers and their union, the Supreme Court ruled Feb. 19 that Uber should recognize its drivers as workers and pay them the minimum wage and holiday pay. Drivers are discussing how…

Build support for striking miners and steelworkers!

Mineworkers battle for safety, against divisions
Vol. 85/No. 17 - May 3, 2021
UMWA Local 2397 members Andre Ball, standing on left, and Ronnie Reynolds, seated in the right foreground, staffing the picket line at Warrior Met Coal’s No. 7 Mine West Portal.

BROOKWOOD, Ala. — “We are one UMWA,” “No contract no coal,” and “United we stand UMWA” signs dot yards, showing support for the 1,100 members of the United Mine Workers of America on strike against Warrior Met Coal here since…