Gerald Reed freed, decades after cop torture, frame-up

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

CHICAGO — Four days after his release from prison, Gerald Reed, accompanied by supporters, told a news conference here, “This is a dream come true. I always told my family members that I’d come home, but I was wondering when.”…

Death penalty abolished in Virginia, victory for workers

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

“There is no place for the death penalty in this commonwealth, in the South or in this nation,” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam told the press as he signed a bill abolishing capital punishment March 24 in front of the Greensville…

‘Charge and prosecute cop who killed Daunte Wright’

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn. — In response to the police killing of Daunte Wright here, thousands of people joined a 30-minute candlelight vigil April 12 organized by Wright’s family at the intersection where he died. The family set the protest to…

Solidarity with miners, steelworkers on strike!

Striking Alabama miners vote down ‘insulting’ offer
Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021
Picket line in Brookwood, Alabama, of miners on strike against Warrior Met Coal. Miner Mike Wright told WVUA TV, “We basically want to let the company know: No contract, no coal.”

ATLANTA — Some 1,100 union coal miners at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, voted overwhelmingly April 9 to reject a tentative contract proposal and continue their strike. The United Mine Workers of America members struck Warrior Met Coal April…

We need our own party, a labor party

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

Statement by Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City mayor, April 14. There are two Americas. One that belongs to the propertied ruling families who own the banks, land, mines, factories, hospitals and other means of production…

Back locked-out Minnesota oil refinery workers’ fight for safety!

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — Two hundred Teamsters, members of Local 120, have been locked out by Marathon Petroleum here since January 22. While negotiations continue, the company, the biggest refinery owner in the U.S., has refused to budge, especially…

As US, Tehran open talks, Iran’s rulers continue weapons program

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021
Demonstration in Mashhad, Iran, December 2018, protests government’s wars, economic crisis and attacks on political rights. Actions spread to scores of cities across the country.

An explosion that disabled parts of the Iranian rulers’ main nuclear facility at Natanz April 11 was blamed on Israeli government forces by Tehran. Most media in Israel attributed the attack to Mossad, the Israeli rulers’ spy agency. Less than…

Philippine gov’t steps up deadly raids on labor, political activists

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021
Students protest in January at University of Philippines in Manila over attack on political rights by President Rodrigo Duterte. His government scrapped 1989 agreement barring cops from entering campus, alleging Maoist armed group, the NPA, was recruiting there.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Working people in the Philippines face deadly repression as they look for ways to defend themselves from the impact of the worldwide capitalist crisis. President Rodrigo Duterte’s government is stepping up its assaults, including the killing…

Minnesota hospital workers picket for safety, higher wages

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021
Several hundred SEIU members and supporters picket Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis April 7 in fight for new contract, more staffing to ensure safety, higher wages.

MINNEAPOLIS — A crowd of several hundred members of Service Employees International Union and their supporters picketed outside Abbott Northwestern Hospital here April 7 in support of the union’s demand for a new contract. When union members chanted, “When we…

‘ATI is trying to bust our union,’ steelworkers say

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

LOUISVILLE, Ohio — “They’re trying to break the union,” Dave Burgess told the Militant  at the Allegheny Technologies Inc. plant here where close to 100 union steelworkers work. “The majority of ATI’s plants are nonunion today.” Company bosses announced in…