Nurses strike in Massachusetts over dangerous understaffing

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021
Hundreds of members of Massachusetts Nurses Association picket St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester March 8 as strike began over understaffing and unsafe working conditions.

WORCESTER, Mass. — Eight hundred union nurses at St. Vincent Hospital here went on strike March 8 over dangerous understaffing and unsafe working conditions. The workers, members of the Massachusetts Nurses Association, have been in contract negotiations with Tenet Healthcare…

Song backing dictator in Belarus removed from Eurovision contest

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

The fight by working people to bring down the dictatorial regime of Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus found a new outlet this month after mass protests and work stoppages last year were beaten down by government brutality. The monthslong political crisis…

New Zealand home-care workers picket in fight for union contract

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Home-care workers and their supporters were on the picket line again March 12 in their ongoing fight for a union contract. “We’re doing this for the next lot of workers coming up, not just for those…

US rulers step up attack on right to be on ballot

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

The capitalist rulers and their Democratic and Republican parties have been stepping up attacks on ballot access for the Socialist Workers Party, and other independent political candidates. This effort is bipartisan, as millions of workers and farmers, facing worsening working…

Oregon medical techs end strike, set March 31 contract deadline

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

The Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, which organizes the 150 medical technicians at the St. Charles Medical Center, agreed March 12 to end their nine-day strike. The union said in a joint press release with the hospital that…

Support Amazon workers fight for union in Alabama!

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

ATLANTA — “I have two grandsons who work at Amazon in Bessemer,” retired coal miner and United Mine Workers union member Maxwell Wilson told the Militant March 14, from his home in Midfield, a suburb of Birmingham, Alabama. “This is…

Biden hypes ‘Rescue’ bill, but workers need jobs now

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

When President Joseph Biden went on television to deliver his first presidential address March 11, it was to tout the Democratic Party-controlled Congress passing his $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan.” He claims it puts “working people in this nation first.”…

Working class needs its own foreign policy

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

Statement by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, March 16. Democratic and Republican politicians alike claim to wield U.S. economic and military influence at home and abroad in the interests of “all Americans.” Workers and farmers…

Help SWP get on NJ ballot: ‘Give workers their own voice’

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021
Joanne Kuniansky, above, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, and running mate Candace Wagner, inset, address March 6 campaign rally in Union City.

UNION CITY, N.J. — Over two dozen supporters of the Socialist Workers Party campaigns of Joanne Kuniansky and Candace Wagner, for New Jersey governor and lieutenant governor, began a spirited six-week effort March 6 to place the party’s ticket on…