Locked-out Marathon Petroleum workers win growing support

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021
Iron Workers Local 512 members hold banner at union solidarity rally March 6 in support of Teamsters Local 120 oil workers locked out Jan. 22 by Marathon Petroleum in Minnesota.

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — The 200 locked-out members of Teamsters Local 120 continue to win support and solidarity in their fight for safety against Marathon Petroleum refinery bosses here. Marathon is the largest oil refining company in the U.S.…

Steelworkers at ATI vote to authorize strike

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

Some 1,300 workers at nine Allegheny Technologies Inc. steel mills held a strike authorization vote March 5 with 95% backing a walkout. “It’s time to take a stand, and stop the bleeding,” Todd Barbiaux, a crane operator and president of…

Manchester bus drivers strike over longer hours, no raise in pay

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

MANCHESTER, England — Some 400 bus drivers at Go North West are winning support during their first week on strike, after bosses tried to impose a new contract with longer hours but no pay increase. Unite, their union, says bosses’…


Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

In the article “Books by Revolutionary Leaders Sell Well at Tehran Fair” in the Militant dated March 15, the wrong name of the main sponsor of the cultural event was garbled in a copyediting error by the Militant. The sponsor…

Medical workers in Oregon strike for first union contract

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

BEND, Ore. — The first strike in 40 years at St. Charles Medical Center began here March 4 when 150 therapists, technicians and technologists walked out to fight for higher pay. St. Charles is the only hospital in this city. The workers…

Lessons of Cuba’s revolution can help us emulate its example

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021
University students march in Havana against Fulgencio Batista’s U.S.-backed dictatorship, April 6, 1952, a month after he overthrew the elected government in a coup. Armando Hart is sixth from left, looking at the camera. Behind, waving Cuban flag, is Raúl Castro.

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for March is Aldabonazo: Inside the Cuban Revolutionary Underground, 1952-58, a Participant’s Account by Armando Hart. He was a central organizer of the urban underground and one of the historic leaders of the…

Brewery workers fight lockout over Molson concession demands

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

TORONTO — Molson Coors Beverage Co. Feb. 20 locked out the 300 workers at its brewery here after they rejected the company’s “best and final” offer by a vote of 208 to 69. The unionists, members of Canadian Union of…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 11 - March 22, 2021

March 25, 1996 President Bill Clinton signed the Helms-Burton bill into law March 12, in Washington’s latest attempt to squeeze Cuba economically and undermine its socialist revolution. The legislation tightens the U.S. trade embargo by penalizing businessmen in other countries…

Support union battles at Marathon, Amazon!

Marathon workers battle largest US refinery owner
Vol. 85/No. 10 - March 15, 2021
Feb. 4 rally in support of Teamster union members locked out for over six weeks by Marathon Petroleum bosses in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Fight is over safety and union protections.

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — Two hundred oil refinery workers have been locked in battle here since Jan. 21 against Marathon Petroleum, the largest oil refining company in the country. They deserve and need solidarity from working people. At issue…

US troops out of the Middle East!

Vol. 85/No. 10 - March 15, 2021

Statement by Willie Cotton, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City public advocate, March 3. Working people and our unions should demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. troops, warships and bombers from the Middle East. The…