Debate over road forward to win justice for Breonna Taylor

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020
Several hundred people march in Louisville, Kentucky, Aug. 25, calling for prosecution of cops who killed Breonna Taylor March 13. Actions like these point to need for disciplined mass protests as only way to draw in broad social forces needed to put cops on trial for brutality.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Determined to press authorities to stop stalling and prosecute the cops who killed Breonna Taylor, hundreds demonstrated outside the 146th Kentucky Derby Sept. 5. Taylor, an emergency room technician, died at the hands of the city cops…

Violent course of antifa, Black Lives Matter threat to working class

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020
Lauren Victor threatened at Washington, D.C., restaurant Aug. 24. Actions seeking to silence, “shame” and intimidate people are on a political course toward anti-working-class thuggery.

In recent weeks there has been an escalation in deadly street violence  led by antifa and leaders of Black Lives Matter, as well as by some rightist vigilantes – from Portland, Oregon, to Kenosha, Wisconsin. The looting, intimidation, arson, street…

‘Cop killed Cesar Rodriguez for not paying $1.75 fare’

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020

LONG BEACH, Calif. — “We’re here to continue fighting and telling his story because it’s unfair he was killed for $1.75,” Evelia Granados, the 25-year-old sister of Cesar Rodriguez, told 75 protesters at the police station here on the third…

Kenosha rally says, ‘Charge cop who shot Jacob Blake!’

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020
Some 2,000 demonstrators join Aug. 29 protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, hosted by the family of Jacob Blake Jr. after he was shot in the back seven times by a city cop. “The cop who shot Jacob needs to be charged,” teacher Jason Jackson told the Militant at the rally.

KENOSHA, Wis. — Some 2,000 demonstrators marched and rallied here Saturday, Aug. 29, to demand “Justice for Jacob,” in what was described as a “Peace March” hosted by the family of Jacob Blake Jr.  Kenosha cop Rusten Sheskey shot 29-year-old…

Thousands join DC march against cop brutality

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020

Thousands converged on Washington, D.C., to voice their outrage at cop brutality, at the “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks” march Aug. 28. Sponsored by Al Sharpton, his National Action Network and Martin Luther King III, the march was held…

Prosecute cops who shot Jacob Blake Jr., in back in Kenosha!

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Julia Jackson, mother of Jacob Blake Jr. who was shot in back by cops in Kenosha, Wisconsin, addresses press Aug. 25. She said she supports continuing protests, but called out those responsible for arson and destruction, saying they don’t reflect the values “of my son or my family.”

KENOSHA, Wis. — Protests broke out here after city cops pumped at least seven shots into the back of 29-year-old Jacob Blake Jr., at close range as he attempted to get into his SUV Aug. 23. A video made by…

Prosecute the cops who killed Breonna Taylor!

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Several hundred people marched here Aug. 25 in the latest action calling for prosecution of the cops who killed emergency room technician Breonna Taylor during a “no-knock” break-in to her apartment March 13. The action was organized…

Chicago looting is blow to fight against police brutality

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020

CHICAGO — A sharp debate broke out here after Black Lives Matter Chicago, one of the many groups that has been involved in protests against police brutality, pointedly defended the organized looting of downtown businesses.  Working people awoke Monday, Aug.…

Sedalia, Missouri: ‘Prosecute cop who killed Hannah Fizer’

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020
Jessica Fizer, left, leads protest July 25 demanding the cop who killed her cousin, Hannah Fizer, be prosecuted. Inset, Amy Fizer, Hannah’s mother, confronts Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond June 18, insists on release of name of cop who killed Hannah.

The widely publicized monthslong fight to force Kentucky authorities to charge the cops who killed Breonna Taylor in Louisville has inspired others to stand up against cop brutality and killings in cities, towns and rural areas across the country. One…

Protesters: Prosecute cops who killed Breonna Taylor!

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020
Twenty-six billboards in Louisville from Oprah Magazine demand charge cops who killed Breonna Taylor.

Growing refusal among working people to accept police brutality is propelling support for the arrest and prosecution of the Louisville, Kentucky, cops who killed Breonna Taylor. But five months after the emergency-room technician was gunned down in a “no-knock” break-in…