Thousands protest military regime in Thailand

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020
Thousands protest military regime in Thailand

Six years ago Thailand’s military rulers “declared war against the people by staging a coup. Now it is time to declare we are fighting back,” Parit Chiwarak told the Washington Post  Sept. 19, before joining tens of thousands protesting for…

Ocasio-Cortez says ‘glam’ can improve your politics

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020
Women coal miners from U.S. visit British coalfields in 1987, to learn about miners’ resistance. As millions of jobs are erased today and wages and working conditions come under attack, the bosses of the cosmetics industry come in to try and boost profits off women’s insecurities.

“If I’m going to spend an hour in the morning doing my glam … it’s because I feel like it. … My body, my choice!” U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, describing her daily beauty regimen in a recent film made…

Mongolians protest Beijing attack on language rights

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020

Thousands of parents, students, teachers, herders and other toilers protested at the beginning of September in cities across Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of grassland and desert in northeast China. They were challenging moves by Beijing to teach key school…

‘Fidel led working people to be changers of the world, not victims’

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Launching of the “Rectification” process in 1986, at Fidel Castro’s initiative, was a turning point in the Cuban Revolution. Working people answered the call to join volunteer brigades, like above, to build homes, clinics, schools and child care centers. The historic effort “remobilized and remoralized” working people, Mary-Alice Waters said.

The following talk by Mary-Alice Waters was given in response to an invitation to take part in an online Celebration of the Life of Fidel Castro Aug. 13. Waters is a member of the Socialist Workers Party National Committee and president of Pathfinder…

New Orleans ‘hoppers’ fight for wages, conditions

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020

NEW ORLEANS — Since May 5 sanitation workers, the “hoppers” who ride the back of the garbage trucks and do heavy lifting, have been on strike to build their union, the City Waste Union. They are fighting for a living…

Strikes over jobs, wages, safety as workers resist bosses’ attacks

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020
Group of striking New Orleans sanitation workers, called “hoppers,” with SWP 2020 presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, Aug. 13. After pay cut they’re demanding living wage, safe working conditions.

“I came to support them because the strike is like the one we won last November,” Canadian National trainman Juan Federico Garcia told the Militant  when he joined striking longshore workers in Montreal Aug. 10. He was referring to how…

As crisis deepens, workers fight boss attacks on jobs, conditions

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020

Working people around the world are taking action on the shop floor and in the street to resist the propertied rulers’ moves to deepen the exploitation of labor upon which their state power is based. The bosses’ “solution” to the…

Montreal port workers strike over unsafe schedules

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020

MONTREAL — Some 1,125 port workers, members of Local 375 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, went on strike here Aug. 10 in an important labor battle for all working people. The key issue is exhausting schedules that force…

Protests in Russia Far East rock Putin government

Vol. 84/No. 32 - August 17, 2020

Tens of thousands of working people in Khabarovsk, a city of 600,000 in Russia’s Far East, demonstrated Aug. 1, above, over the Kremlin’s July 9 arrest of elected Provincial Gov. Sergei Furgal. The protests have continued for weeks, initially calling…

Philadelphia Greyhound workers resist layoffs, speedup, attack on wages

Vol. 84/No. 32 - August 17, 2020
Greyhound workers, members of Teamsters Local 623, and union supporters picket at Philadelphia bus terminal July 28.

PHILADELPHIA — Greyhound station workers here, organized by Teamsters Local 623, and other union supporters held an informational picket in front of the bus station July 28. The action, which included other Philadelphia-area Teamsters, was a step toward building solidarity…