Events mark 1953 opening of the Cuban Revolution

Vol. 84/No. 31 - August 10, 2020
Cuba’s ambassador to New Zealand, Edgardo Valdés speaks in Auckland July 25.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand—Cuba’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the solidarity its medical workers have extended to countries worldwide are part of “the fight to make a better world possible for everyone,” Cuba’s ambassador to New Zealand, Edgardo Valdés López,…

Unions in Mauritius fight for equal pay for immigrants

Vol. 84/No. 31 - August 10, 2020

The Confederation of Workers in the Public and Private Sectors (CTSP) in Mauritius, backed by other unions, is campaigning for the largely immigrant workforce in the textile and garment industries to get the national minimum wage of 9,400 Mauritian rupees…

Thai youth protest attacks on rights, defy ban on assembly

Vol. 84/No. 30 - August 3, 2020

Defying a ban on public gatherings, thousands of Thai students and other youth protested at the Democracy Monument in Bangkok July 18. They are calling for the resignation of the government, a new constitution, an end to harassment of government…

Columbus voyage to Americas opened door to social progress

‘Discovery of roads of the world was clouded by the enormous crime of conquest’
Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
Folding-screen mural painted in 1976 by Mexican painter Roberto Cueva del Río depicts meeting between Aztec ruler Moctezuma II and Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés some 500 years ago.

Over the Fourth of July weekend, a statue of Italian-born seafarer Christopher Columbus, the first European to discover the Americas in 1492, was pulled down and thrown into the Baltimore harbor. Another, presented by Italian-Americans to the city of Waterbury,…

Ukraine miners march on gov’t, demand back wages

Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020
Ukranian women coal processing plant workers bang their hard hats as part of 1,000-strong miners’ protest in Maidan Independence Square, Kyiv, June 30. The rally demanded government pay months, sometimes years, of wages owed, and increase investment in safety and jobs.

Coal miners from across Ukraine have been organizing growing protests outside government offices in the capital Kyiv since June 30. Their main demand is for the government to pay what is owed them in back wages. “There are workers who…

Joblessness soars worldwide, spurs working-class resistance

Vol. 84/No. 26 - July 6, 2020

The key for working people today is the fight for jobs, to provide income for workers and their families, to rebuild the ranks of the working class, and help workers prepare for class-struggle battles today and to come. Hundreds of…

Hong Kong workers mark Tiananmen Square massacre

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Hong Kong workers mark Tiananmen Square massacre

Thousands poured into Victoria Park in Hong Kong June 4 in an annual event to honor those who gave their lives fighting for political rights in 1989 in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. They cast aside metal barriers set up by the…

Truckers deliver demands to White House, end DC protest

Vol. 84/No. 22 - June 8, 2020

WASHINGTON — Three weeks after truckers parked their rigs by the U.S. Capitol May 1, they ended their national protest calling for an end to brokers slashing their rates and for elimination of government overregulation. An estimated 500 to 1,000…