Join 2020 May Day international brigade to Cuba

Vol. 84/No. 10 - March 16, 2020

This year’s May Day International Brigade of Voluntary Work and Solidarity with Cuba — an opportunity for workers, farmers and youth to see Cuba’s revolution for themselves — has added a new program to its April 26 to May 10…

Capitalist economies wobble as coronavirus cases spread

Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020
Above, women in Tehran wear masks Feb. 23 after coronavirus outbreak, which has taken over 50 lives in Iran. Inset, trader on New York Stock Exchange. Shares slumped on reports disease has spread to Iran, northern Italy, more as world economy slows.

Media worldwide headlined the news Feb. 24 with reports that coronavirus infections and deaths were spreading outside China, where it originated, with spikes in South Korea, Japan, Iran and northern Italy. Capitalist governments around the world either admit their health…

Cuba’s fight against Ebola in Africa is ‘a beacon of light’

Vol. 84/No. 7 - February 24, 2020
Cuban doctors and Guinean staff at shift change at the Coyah treatment center in Guinea, January 2015. “As they reported for duty, Cubans always made jokes,” writes Ubieta. “It lifted their spirits and those of patients and colleagues.”

During a winter when a new epidemic, the coronavirus, is spreading rapidly in China and beyond, when more traditional influenzas have killed some 20,000 people in the U.S. alone, and at a time when Washington is escalating its economic war…

UK fight over firing for defense of women’s rights, science

Vol. 84/No. 6 - February 17, 2020

MANCHESTER, England — Judge James Tayler of the Central London Employment Tribunal upheld the firing of Maya Forstater Dec. 19. Forstater had spoken out against undermining women’s rights in the name of protecting those who “identify” as the opposite sex.…

‘Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa’

New book is a ‘remarkable account of the solidarity and internationalism at the heart of the Cuban Revolution’
Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020
Cuban medical volunteers unload supplies on arrival in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Oct. 2014.

Below is the preface to Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa by Enrique Ubieta Gómez, just published in English and Spanish. Copyright © 2019 by Pathfinder Press. Reprinted by permission. BY RÓGER CALERO AND MARY-ALICE…

Capitalism uses Jew-hatred, prejudice to fan divisions

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020

Below is an excerpt from “Theses on the Jewish Question,” adopted by the Socialist Workers Party in 1939 as fascist rule grew in Europe and ultra-rightist, anti-Semitic groups grew in the U.S. It is available in the book The Founding…

Mass actions in India protest anti-Muslim law

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Mass actions in India protest anti-Muslim law

Large actions continue to rock the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, protesting his push to implement a new anti-Muslim citizenship act, undermining India’s secular constitution. As many as 200,000 demonstrated in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad Jan. 4,…

Iraq uprising inspires art, culture in Tahrir Square

Vol. 84/No. 1 - January 13, 2020

“Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed and exploited,” V.I. Lenin, the Bolshevik leader of the victorious 1917 socialist revolution in Russia, noted. The flowering of art and literature, emblematic of the newly found sense of freedom that accompanies truly…

IFCO wins victory in fight against IRS harassment

Vol. 84/No. 1 - January 13, 2020

NEW YORK — In an important victory for political rights, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization announced Dec. 19 that it had won its fight against revocation of its tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service in 2017. “As our…

Gibsons fight Oberlin College ‘racism’ smears

Vol. 83/No. 48 - December 30, 2019

The Gibson family, owners of a bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, won a multimillion dollar libel suit last June against Oberlin College over its race-baiting slanders against them. Since then the college has appealed the $31 million verdict and has engaged…