UK out of EU is best terrain for workers’ struggles there

Vol. 83/No. 1 - January 7, 2019
School cleaners, cooks, home-care workers, other local council workers in Glasgow, Scotland, on strike Oct. 23. The working-class struggle for emancipation in the U.K. can only be fought and won inside the capitalist nation-state there. U.K. workers and their allies in the countryside need to fight to establish a workers and farmers government.

MANCHESTER, England — The failed attempts by Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative government in the U.K. to strike a “withdrawal deal” with the European Union that can pass in the House of Commons has led to sharpening divisions and a…

Join fight against prison censorship of ‘Militant’!

Vol. 83/No. 1 - January 7, 2019

The Militant is continuing to press Florida prison officials to cease and desist from their unconstitutional censorship of the socialist newsweekly. Florida officials had impounded at least 18 issues of the paper sent to its subscribers behind bars in less…

Mosul ‘reading festival’ celebrates return of art, literature

Vol. 82/No. 48 - December 24, 2018
Mime performance by Mosul University students Nov. 30 acts out recent history. Dancers in white defeat Islamic State fighters in black, return a painting to view and a musician plays his flute to cheers of the crowd.

MOSUL, Iraq — More than 1,000 people, including hundreds of youth, participated in the second “reading festival” here since the end of the three-year reign of terror by Islamic State. The Nov. 30 event was a celebration of the defeat…

Working people in Mosul rebuild lives, culture after defeat of Islamic State

‘Christians and Muslims have lived side by side in Iraq for centuries’; population faces government indifference to war-caused hardships
Vol. 82/No. 48 - December 24, 2018
Above, boisterous poetry reading with open mic at Qantara cultural cafe in east Mosul Nov. 30, one of many activities banned under Islamic State that are coming back to life in the city. Below right, Hussein Abbas Ahmed, a teacher, outside remains of his home in “old city” in west Mosul, large swaths of which were destroyed during the fight against IS, including during indiscriminate U.S.-bombing raids.

MOSUL, Iraq — Working people here continue to confront the impact of Islamic State’s three-year reign of terror and the destructive nine-month battle of Mosul that drove out the brutal and reactionary sect. Now they face ongoing Iraqi government indifference…

Moscow launches assault on Ukraine access to Sea of Azov

Vol. 82/No. 47 - December 17, 2018
Russian fighter jets fly over Kerch bridge with Russian tanker blocking access to Sea of Azov during assault on, seizure of three Ukrainian naval boats and their 24 crew members Nov. 25.

In an aggressive inflammation of tensions, the capitalist rulers in Moscow ordered Russian forces to fire on and seize three Ukrainian naval vessels, including a tugboat, and their crews as they tried to pass through the Kerch Strait Nov. 25…

At G-20 US, China rulers reach truce in trade dispute

Vol. 82/No. 47 - December 17, 2018

President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, met over dinner after the G-20 summit ended in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 1. They agreed to a 90-day truce over imposing any new punitive tariffs on Chinese imports by the White…

Music, art part of revival of life in Mosul after defeat of IS

Vol. 82/No. 44 - November 26, 2018

“Music is my life. It’s amazing to hear it in Mosul again,” musician Fadhel al-Badri told Reuters Oct. 27. He was attending a symphony performance, the first concert in that Iraqi city since the expulsion of Islamic State last year.…

Kurdistan book fair marked by thirst for political discussion

Event in Erbil reflects Kurds’ fight for homeland and crisis of global imperialist order
Vol. 82/No. 43 - November 19, 2018
Thousands attended Erbil International Book Fair Oct. 10-20.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region, Iraq — The 13th Erbil International Book Fair showed expanding space to discuss the broadest questions of world and regional politics here. This openness is a product of the Kurdish people’s fight for their national rights and…