Honduras immigrant caravan shows depth of capitalist crisis

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018
Honduran and other Central Americans march through Mexico Oct. 21 on way to U.S. border. Honduran toilers face crisis of both imperialist pillage and exploitation from native capitalists.

Thousands of Hondurans, overwhelmingly workers and farmers, have traveled through Guatemala into Mexico, and are making their way toward the U.S. border, hoping to enter the United States with or without permission of U.S. authorities. The size of the caravan,…

Pathfinder books spark lively interest at Manila book fair

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018
More than 700 books on working-class politics, history were scooped up at Manila book fair.

MANILA, Philippines — There was hardly an hour when the Pathfinder booth at the Sept. 12-16 Manila International Book Fair wasn’t packed with fairgoers of all ages browsing the shelves with growing enthusiasm for the books they saw. The crowds…

Japanese rulers fight exposure of slavery of ‘comfort women’

Vol. 82/No. 39 - October 22, 2018
Above, San Francisco statue of “comfort women” who Japanese rulers kidnapped and forced into prostitution during second imperialist world war. Inset, 500 people attend Sept. 22 commemoration of statue’s unveiling. Osaka, Japan, mayor ended its sister-city relationship with San Francisco in retaliation for memorial.

SAN FRANCISCO — Nearly 500 people on Sept. 22 commemorated the first anniversary of the installation of a “comfort women” memorial here that has sparked a sharp controversy. The mayor of Osaka, Japan, recently terminated its six-decade sister-city relationship with…

Lenin discusses Tolstoy’s writing and coming Russian Revolution

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018
Tolstoy, right, in his writings against oppression of the state and official church expressed strength and weakness of peasant movement, wrote Lenin. “The heritage which he has left, belongs to the future. This heritage is accepted and is being worked upon by the Russian proletariat,” Lenin said, to “overthrow capitalism and create a new society.” Above, peasants before 1917 revolution.

Below is the Nov. 29, 1910, article by V.I. Lenin, the central leader of the 1917 Bolshevik proletarian revolution in Russia. It’s entitled “An Appraisal of Leo Tolstoy,” one of the great Russian writers in the dying days of czarist…

Colo. meatpackers win suit against right to pray firings

Vol. 82/No. 36 - October 1, 2018

After a three-year-long fight, Muslim packinghouse workers in Fort Morgan, Colorado, won a $1.5 million settlement from Cargill Meat Solutions for civil rights violations after the company denied them the right to take prayer breaks on the job and then…

Sankara books welcomed at NY Burkina Faso festival

Vol. 82/No. 35 - September 24, 2018
Above, participants in Festival Ouaga New York cultural event in the Bronx Sept. 1 enjoyed musicians and artists from Burkina Faso. Inset, table featuring books by Thomas Sankara and other titles by revolutionary working-class leaders attracted interest.

NEW YORK — The fourth annual Festival Ouaga New York, a two-day cultural event, attracted hundreds of participants, most of them immigrants from Burkina Faso now living in New York, other East Coast cities and abroad. Well-known musicians and artists…

Free Ukraine director on hunger strike from Siberia jail!

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018

Oleg Sentsov, an internationally known Ukrainian filmmaker imprisoned in Siberia for his defense of Ukrainian Crimea, has been on a hunger strike for more than 110 days in the Russian penal colony Polar Bear. In a letter to his cousin…

‘Teamster Bureaucracy’ is a must read for workers today

SWP, Teamster militants fought bosses, FBI frame-up
Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018

Teamster Bureaucracy by Farrell Dobbs, 440 pages, Pathfinder Press, second edition, 2018. BY ALYSON KENNEDY The wealth of lessons in the four-volume Teamsters series by Farrell Dobbs is essential for workers who are beginning to see the need to fight…