Venezuela: Workers, farmers face effects of capitalist crisis

New government concessions to bosses, landlords
Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

In the midst of a deepening economic crisis that is devastating workers and farmers, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced measures July 25 to give more concessions to capitalist owners. He seeks their help staunching the collapse in production, winning foreign…

Dallas film spotlights 1973 cop murder of Santos Rodriguez

Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018
Dallas film spotlights 1973 cop murder of Santos Rodriguez

DALLAS — Over 500 people attended a widely publicized July 24 screening of the new film “Santos Vive,” which documents the murder of 12-year-old Santos Rodriguez at the hands of city police here on that day in 1973. The film,…

Cops who killed Eric Garner ‘should be put in jail’

Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018
Cops who killed my son “should have been indicted, convicted, be in jail,” Gwen Carr, speaking above at July 17 New York press conference, told Militant. Her son Eric Garner was killed four years ago by cop Daniel Pantaleo. NYPD said July 16 it will start disciplinary proceedings against him and his supervisor.

NEW YORK — Four years after New York police officer Daniel Pantaleo put a chokehold on Eric Garner and killed him outside a Staten Island beauty supply store, the city’s Civilian Complaint Review Board said it will hold disciplinary hearings…

Protests across Nicaragua in making for over a decade

Vol. 82/No. 29 - August 6, 2018
Pro-Ortega gang with mortars and other weapons prepares to attack anti-government protest in Managua April 21. Repression has deepened working-class opposition to the government.

Conditions leading to widespread protests against the government of President Daniel Ortega this year have been in the making for more than a decade. It was an explosion of pent-up grievances against what many working people and middle-class layers in…

Fuel hike protests bring down Haiti prime minister

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018
Demonstration July 8 in Port-au-Prince during week of general strike and protests that forced government to suspend fuel hike.

Haiti’s Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant resigned July 14 after a two-day general strike and a week of protests sparked by the government’s announcement of sharp price hikes for fuel. Demonstrators marched, barricaded roads, looted stores and burned cars and…

July 15 meeting to celebrate political life of Wendy Lyons

Vol. 82/No. 26 - July 16, 2018

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles branch of the Socialist Workers Party will host a meeting July 15th to celebrate the 55-year political life in the party of Wendy Lyons. Lyons, 73, died on June 16 after a long battle…

ILWU fighter Byron Jacobs killed on job in Washington

Vol. 82/No. 26 - July 16, 2018
In 2011-2012 International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 21 waged a hardfought successful fight against EGT Development’s union-busting attempt at the Port of Longview. Byron Jacobs, a leader of the fight, was beaten by cops during a peaceful protest Sept. 7, 2011. Jacobs, 34, was killed on the job June 28.

Byron Jacobs, 34, a member of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 21, was killed at work June 28 at the Port of Longview in Washington state when a vessel line on the ship he was loading snapped, resulting in…

‘Militant’ challenges ongoing prison censorship in Florida

Vol. 82/No. 26 - July 16, 2018

Prison authorities in Florida keep trying to stop inmates there from reading the Militant, “forgetting” to inform the paper, effectively denying it the right to challenge the censorship in defiance of their own rules. In the latest of a series…

Ivan Licho’s ‘Militant’ cartoons exposed capitalist rule

Vol. 82/No. 25 - July 9, 2018
Militant cartoons by Ivan Licho. Left, from July 16, 1976, cartoon illustrated attack on working class by U.S. Supreme Court legalizing death penalty. Above, cartoon from Nov. 30, 1979, issue depicting blood-soaked hands of shah of Iran. Revolution there earlier that year overthrew his dictatorial rule, forcing him to flee. Accompanying article was titled, “Why Iran Wants Him to Stand Trial: Firsthand Account of Torture and Murder.”

SEATTLE — Ivan Licho, a former member and lifelong supporter of the Socialist Workers Party, passed away of complications from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases in Edmonds, a suburb here, June 2. He was 78. After four years in the Navy,…

Books by Thomas Sankara spark interest at Harlem festival

Vol. 82/No. 25 - July 9, 2018

NEW YORK — More than 30 years after Thomas Sankara, the leader of the popular revolution in Burkina Faso, was assassinated, his example and ideas live on. That was clear from the interest in books of his speeches, other revolutionary…