Association of the Blind draws interest at Havana book fair

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023

HAVANA — One of the most interesting and lively stands at this year’s Havana International Book Fair, held in February, was organized by Cuba’s National Association of the Blind (ANCI).  The association regularly has a stand here, at Cuba’s largest…

Retirees in Iran demand hike in pensions to match inflation

Vol. 87/No. 12 - March 27, 2023
Retired workers and war veterans protest March 12 in Shush, Khuzestan province, Iran. For weeks protests have demanded hikes in social security, as soaring prices cut living standards.

Weekly protests by retired workers in Iran that began Jan. 22 demanding the government raise social security payments to keep up with inflation continue. On March 12 and 13 retirees from the steel, telecommunications, sugar and other industries protested in…

Erbil book fair opens in Kurdistan Region in Iraq

Vol. 87/No. 12 - March 27, 2023

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region, Iraq — Since the 15th Erbil International Book Fair kicked off March 8, tens of thousands have come looking for books on a wide range of topics — including history, politics, science, technology and religion — as…

Communists in Iran were in thick of popular revolution

Vol. 87/No. 12 - March 27, 2023

Below are excerpts from “Revolution, Counterrevolution and War in Iran, Social and Political Roots of Workers’ Protests That Swept 90 Cities and Small Towns,” from the Militant in April 2018. BY STEVE CLARK The historic Iranian Revolution of 1979 was…

Worldwide protests denounce Moscow war on Ukraine

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023

Tens of thousands demonstrated in more than 100 cities around the world Feb. 24 opposing Moscow’s brutal war against Ukraine and marking one year since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion. More than 10,000 people marched past the Brandenburg Gate in…

FBI admits to spying on Catholics, calls them ‘extremists’

Vol. 87/No. 9 - March 6, 2023

The FBI will “never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity,” the spy agency claimed as it shut down plans by its office in Richmond, Virginia, to launch a new spy operation aimed…

Mary Lou Montauk, 78 years a builder, supporter of the SWP

Vol. 87/No. 6 - February 13, 2023
Mary Lou Montauk, front, in 1973 protest organized by Socialist Workers Party in the Bay Area against French government arrest of leaders of Ligue Communiste, a sister party of the SWP.

OAKLAND, Calif. — More than 50 people gathered here Jan. 21 to celebrate the life and political contributions of Mary Lou Montauk, a member and supporter of the Socialist Workers Party for 78 years. She died Jan. 5. “Mary Lou…

Paul Ehrlich is still peddling ‘population bomb’ hysteria

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

If you tuned into “60 Minutes” on Jan. 1 you heard Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist, tell the audience, “I and the vast majority of my colleagues think we’ve had it; that the next few decades will be the…

Atlanta cop attack, antifa riot lead to ‘terrorism’ charges

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

ATLANTA — Georgia State Patrol cops shot and killed Manuel Teran as they cleared out an encampment in Intrenchment Creek Park in Dekalb County Jan. 18. Teran was part of a group of middle-class radicals and anarchists attempting to block…