Oppose FBI attack on Cuba Solidarity Committee

Vol. 86/No. 37 - October 10, 2022

The FBI is expanding its efforts to intimidate Cuba solidarity supporters from Puerto Rico to the mainland, visiting or calling at least four people on the West Coast and Midwest over the last few weeks. The harassment began in Puerto…

Washington seized Puerto Rico, denied constitutional rights

Vol. 86/No. 36 - October 3, 2022

As Washington announced its emergence as an imperialist power by seizing a series of Spanish colonies in the 1898 Spanish-American War, the U.S. Supreme Court over the next few years sharply limited constitutional rights and protections for residents of the…

Fight FBI harassment in Puerto Rico!

Vol. 86/No. 35 - September 26, 2022

FBI harassment of participants in the Juan Rius Rivera Brigade from Puerto Rico and other opponents of the U.S. economic war on Cuba is a serious threat to rights working people need in both Puerto Rico and the U.S. Labor…

UN commission: End US colonial rule in Puerto Rico

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022

UNITED NATIONS — “U.S. laws dealing with Puerto Rico have one purpose — to perpetuate the colony,” said Richard López, speaking for the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. He was one of two dozen pro-independence petitioners at the annual hearing of…