No layoffs! Cut workweek with no cut in weekly pay!

Spreading layoffs, shutdowns deepen crisis facing workers
Vol. 84/No. 51 - December 28, 2020
Nurses strike Dec. 1-2 at Montefiore hospital in New Rochelle, New York. Bosses refuse to hire more nurses, meaning there isn’t enough staff to provide needed health care during pandemic.

A spreading second wave of government-ordered lockdowns on production, retail, restaurants and other stores is worsening the crisis conditions inflicted on working people by the bosses and their governments. Small shopkeepers are being crushed and mass unemployment is deepening competition…

From Panama to El Salvador workers fight for jobs, relief

Vol. 84/No. 20 - May 25, 2020

Capitalist rulers across Latin America are using coronavirus outbreaks in their countries as a pretext to attack the wages, living conditions and political rights of working people. From Chile to Panama to El Salvador these attacks are meeting resistance as…