Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
International campaign to expand circulation of Militant and Perspectiva Mundial, sell socialist pamphlets.
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Latest Reports
Bush to broaden FBI powers, backs Israeli war in Palestine
Justice Department widens assault on 4th Amendment, militarizes border
Imperialists send more troops into Afghanistan; support assault on Palestinians
Fidel Castro speaks to mass rally in Cuba
Israel bombs Palestinians, occupies cities in West Bank
Strike of 5,000 defends union at Pratt and Whitney in Connecticut
In Los Angeles, socialist worker wins support in free speech fight
Meeting in Iceland marks steps toward a communist league
Striking New Jersey teachers defy court order
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 65/No.48
December 17, 2001
Cuba's revolutionary example
Free the teachers, back the strikers
Front page (for this issue)
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