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The Militant this week
Argentine workers resist impact of capitalist crisis
Unionists, unemployed protests spread across provinces
Garment worker, fired for political views, speaks in south Florida on workers' rights
Lessons of garment workers' four-week strike in Quebec
Rally backs laundry workers' fight for a union in New York
Afghanistan: imperialism is showing its face more
Enron debacle: big firms don't shield workers from crisis  
Increased resistance in Western Sahara hits Moroccan regime
Pakistan arrests 2,000 under U.S. pressure
Perspectiva Mundial
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 66/No.4January 28, 2002

Books of the Month 
'The case of Cuba is the case of all underdeveloped countries' 
25 and 50 years ago 
The Great Society 
Militant Labor Forums 
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