Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Post-9/11, Bush builds case for new war moves
With earlier momentum exhausted, U.S. rulers shift course
Havana book fair celebrates two titles on struggle for women's liberation
Capitalists in Venezuela step up drive to topple government
'Defense of workers' rights is crucial,' says fired socialist
Raúl Castro addresses role of Cuba's missions to Africa
Volunteers are 'keeping aloft the beautiful banner of proletarian internationalism,' says Cuban leader
Communists respond to political openings
Set course to deepen proletarian character and international scope of movement
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 66/No.9
March 4, 2002
News articles
Post-9/11, Bush builds case for new war moves
With earlier momentum exhausted, U.S. rulers shift course
Havana book fair celebrates two titles on struggle for women's liberation
Capitalists in Venezuela step up drive to topple government
'Defense of workers' rights is crucial,' says fired socialist
Raúl Castro addresses role of Cuba's missions to Africa
Volunteers are 'keeping aloft the beautiful banner of proletarian internationalism,' says Cuban leader
Communists respond to political openings
Set course to deepen proletarian character and international scope of movement
Rally in Australia denounces brutality against immigrants
Farmers in South press fight for land
Lynching exhibit highlights barbarism of capitalist society
Sankara confidently raised the banner of women's emancipation
A visit to two garment plants in Havana
New York mayor's budget will give 'pain' to workers
Machinists union reaches tentative agreement with United Airlines
Socialist candidate protests office break-in
Supreme Court justices says judges who view capital punishment as immoral should resign
Cuban paper: U.S. senator discusses some 'interrogation' techniques
UNITE workers come to Cincinnati from South, Midwest to picket Fingerhut
(photo box)
Coal miners in Kemmerer, Wyoming, give 'Militant' sellers a warm welcome
Steel strikers stand up to union busting in Quebec
U.S. steel bosses seek huge bailout and tariffs to restrict steel imports
March of 1,000 backs striking nurses in New York
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