Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Widows walk to demand federal black lung benefits
Urge support at rallies on way from coalfields to Washington
Supreme Court Coal Act ruling deals blow to retired miners
Help deepen support among workers for socialist fired for political views
Nationwide Cuban book fair expands education and culture
A new stage in building revolutionary party
Thousands in Cuba mobilize to eradicate dengue fever virus
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 66/No.10
March 11, 2002
News articles
Widows walk to demand federal black lung benefits
Urge support at rallies on way from coalfields to Washington
Supreme Court Coal Act ruling deals blow to retired miners
Help deepen support among workers for socialist fired for political views
Nationwide Cuban book fair expands education and culture
Washington heads toward garrison state in Afghanistan
A new stage in building revolutionary party
Thousands in Cuba mobilize to eradicate dengue fever virus
Farmers hold meetings across Scotland
Union in Australia protests government spying
2,000 condemn racist killing in Spain
Capitalist drive to oust Chávez regime gains momentum
Rally at Miami INS office demands release of Haitian immigrants
(photo box)
Bag screeners in California fight for rights
Youth group in Georgia protests inmate abuse
Fired socialist worker wins new support in Illinois and Indiana
Italie interviewed by Ball State college paper
'We find this firing to be unjust,' say Black Telephone Workers for Justice
Interest high in Pathfinder at Black Studies conference
(photo box)
Amid economic gloom and war-weariness in Israel, Palestinians continue their struggle
Peasants in Bolivia demand right to grow coca
Vietnam photos show revolution, war of liberation
Korean strike wins massive solidarity
In British Columbia, 30,000 condemn austerity moves
Rally participants buy 230 copies of the 'Militant'
Front page (for this issue)
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