Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Text version of issue 15
is now available.
The graphical version will be available later.
U.S. must end all aid to murderous Israeli regime
For a democratic, secular Palestine!
'U.S. government frame-up of five Cuban revolutionaries is an assault on working people'
Goodwill withdraws challenge to socialist's unemployment benefits
Widows' walk rooted in decades of struggle by coal miners
Socialists call subscription campaign for 'Militant,' 'Perspectiva Mundial'
Atlanta conference builds communist movement
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 66/No.14
April 8, 2002
News articles
U.S. must end all aid to murderous Israeli regime
For a democratic, secular Palestine!
'U.S. government frame-up of five Cuban revolutionaries is an assault on working people'
Goodwill withdraws challenge to socialist's unemployment benefits
Widows' walk rooted in decades of struggle by coal miners
Socialists call subscription campaign for 'Militant,' 'Perspectiva Mundial'
London march backs teachers' strike
Immigrants in Greece lead rights protest
Food workers in British Columbia score 'huge victory' in second vote for union
Sinn Fein leader speaks in Ohio
UMWA blasts cuts to mine safety budget
Meeting maps out YS campaign
Participants study 'Cuba and the Coming American Revolution'
Youth snap up Marxist classics
U.S. rulers reinforce military operations in Afghanistan
Washington squeezes semicolonial countries
Castro: 'a system of plunder and exploitation'
Laundry workers in Chicago fight for union
Socialist workers in United Kingdom double sales of Pathfinder in 2001
SWP supporters surpass goal in financing party
Pittsburgh: picket protests jailing of Ethiopian
One million march in Italy to oppose government assault on workers' rights
(photo box)
EU retaliates against steel tariffs
Minneapolis marchers demand justice for Somali man killed by cops
Taxi drivers win First Amendment fight
More light shed on barbaric conditions at U.S. prison camps
New York domestic workers demand minimum wage and rights
(photo box)
Socialist campaign in Newark fights city's denial of ballot status
Cuts to Medicare are an assault on retired workers
Do workers need a party?
Front page (for this issue)
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