Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Oppose U.S. adventure to provoke incident with Iraq
Moves are parallel to ‘preemptive’ bipartisan assault on rights
Students in New Zealand walk out to back teachers
Meeting celebrates new French edition of ‘History of American Trotskyism’
Millions in Cuba: ‘Our revolution is here to stay’
Supporters of ‘Militant’ and ‘PM’ put fund into orbit
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 66/No.26
July 1, 2002
News articles
Oppose U.S. adventure to provoke incident with Iraq
Moves are parallel to ‘preemptive’ bipartisan assault on rights
Students in New Zealand walk out to back teachers
Meeting celebrates new French edition of ‘History of American Trotskyism’
‘Young people are looking for answers’
Volunteers keep Pathfinder titles in print
Millions in Cuba: ‘Our revolution is here to stay’
Supporters of ‘Militant’ and ‘PM’ put fund into orbit
Steelworkers win strike in Australia
March in Scotland backs Irish struggle
Workers in Germany stage first construction strike in 50 years
Earth First! leaders win suit against cops
Thousands in Peru mobilize against privatizations
(photo box)
Chirac prepares new assaults on workers
Demonstrators back chemical workers locked out in Texas
Union decertified at Superior Poultry in British Columbia
Sales drive heads into final stretch to win new subscribers
Frame-up trial begins in North Carolina
Pittsburgh rally defends rights of Ethiopian
Auto workers win contract at three Johnson Controls plants
Washington directs CIA to seek removal of Iraqi government
U.S. now holds 468 prisoners in hellhole at base in Guantánamo, Cuba
Washington’s choice elected president of Afghanistan
Bus workers in Queens, New York, strike for health benefits
(photo box)
Nelson Mandela meets with victim of Lockerbie frame-up
Frictions emerge over enlargement of European Union
EU presses Russia to ‘liberalize’ energy prices
Health-care workers rally for a contract
New studies document impact of workfare on women
Workers in Argentina protest austerity measures
(photo box)
Why it is wrong to target India as a prison house of nations
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