Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Fact sheet
News article
Inside an INS jail in Houston
Article in El Día, Spanish-language daily in Houston
UFCW official: 'A travesty of justice'
How you can help
New York transit workers vote to authorize strike
Staffs of ‘Perspectiva Mundial’ and the ‘Militant’ fight INS effort to exclude editor
Róger Calero arrested at Houston airport on return from assignment abroad
Inside an INS jail in Houston
Washington releases plans for reservists in war on Iraq
Venezuela: mass protest opposes bosses’ strike
Marianas in Combat: women and the struggle for the revolutionary transformation of Cuba
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 66/No.48
December 23, 2002
News articles
New York transit workers vote to authorize strike
Staffs of ‘Perspectiva Mundial’ and the ‘Militant’ fight INS effort to exclude editor
Róger Calero arrested at Houston airport on return from assignment abroad
Inside an INS jail in Houston
Washington releases plans for reservists in war on Iraq
Venezuela: mass protest opposes bosses’ strike
Marianas in Combat: women and the struggle for the revolutionary transformation of Cuba
10,000 march for UK firefighters
United files for bankruptcy, plans more cuts
Workers bear brunt of ice storm in Carolinas
UFCW official: ‘A travesty of justice’
Guantánamo prisoners challenge detentions
Trotsky on curve of capitalist development
Facts on INS detention of Róger Calero and the fight to free him
Many immigrants face denial of rights like Calero
Frame-up unravels in New York ‘jogger’ rape case
Rising percentage of workers in United States lack health coverage
South Africa mine bosses resist end to color bar on ownership
Rightists carry out bombings in South Arica
Algerian refugees in Montreal force government to hold off deportations
How you can help
Large demonstrations in Iran support Palestinian struggle
(photo box)
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