Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Fact sheet
Update from the Calero defense committee
News article
Fight against deportation wins broad support
Support the Róger Calero Defense Committee
U.S. troops head to Turkey as Iraq invasion force builds
West Coast meetings build support for fight against deportation of Róger Calero
Tens of thousands protest U.S. war drive
Workers at GE fight health-care squeeze
Somalis in Seattle defeat INS move
White House backs legal attack on affirmative action
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 67/No. 4
February 3, 2003
News articles
U.S. troops head to Turkey as Iraq invasion force builds
West Coast meetings build support for fight against deportation of Róger Calero
Tens of thousands protest U.S. war drive
Workers at GE fight health-care squeeze
Somalis in Seattle defeat INS move
White House backs legal attack on affirmative action
North Korea calls on U.S. to negotiate
Northern Ireland march to mark 1972 massacre
Protesters keep up pressure on U.S. Navy to leave Vieques
State governments slash Medicaid budgets
Charges dropped against Yemenis in Detroit
Shirtmakers strike to defend health benefits
Democratic politicians say, ‘reinstate draft’
Young protesters open to revolutionary ideas
Young Socialists draw protesters interested in revolution
Malcolm X speeches are for today’s militants
Malolm X: ‘youth more filled with urge to eliminate oppression’
Detroit Muslim leader fights deportation
Court backs government attack on Islamic charity
Families demand truth about New Year’s killings by N.Y. cops
New York cemetery workers launch strike
(photo box)
Maine rally defends Somali residents
(photo box)
Contribute to the Books for Cuba Fund
New Jersey detainees launch jail protest
Washington expands registration list
Students exchange views on issues in Calero fight
Spanish-language daily interviews Calero
Workers put stamp on Calero meeting in San Francisco
Defense campaign wins support at SF antiwar protest
More unionists back defense campaign
Support the Róger Calero Defense Committee
Solidarity with hunger strikers
Cops storm mosque in Britain
(photo box)
Court rules government can jail citizen without charges
Women’s fight for affirmative action and the union movement
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