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Róger Calero for President, Arrin Hawkins for Vice-president
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Strengthen unions to fight bosses’ attacks
Socialist speaks at California campaign rally
Utah miners: ‘Bosses’ lawsuit won’t stop our fight for union’
UMWA re-upping its support for miners Co-Op workers build Oct. 2 solidarity rally
Haiti floods: a social, not a ‘natural,’ disaster
Imperialist plunder is cause of deadly toll
‘Immediate, unconditional U.S. aid to Haiti!’
Says Martín Koppel, socialist candidate for U.S. Senate in N.Y.
Meat packers at Minnesota Beef win union vote  
French premier on Turkey: Stop ‘river of Islam’ into Europe
Perspectiva Mundial
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 68/No. 37October 12, 2004

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The first 10 years of American communism 
25 and 50 years ago 
The Great Society 
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