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Róger Calero for President, Arrin Hawkins for Vice-president
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Break from parties of the employers!
For a labor party, based on the unions, that fights in the interests of workers!
Back right of oppressed nations to electrification for economic development
Utah miners demand reinstatement of leader of union-organizing fight
UMWA attorneys are representing the miners in fighting bosses’ lawsuit against union backers
After Samarra, U.S., Iraqi forces start sweeps in other Iraqi cities
U.S. military uses air power to wipe out militias in Fallujah

Socialist candidate for Senate in N.Y. debates Green, Libertarian opponents  
Interimperialist competition behind Airbus-Boeing spat
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 68/No. 39October 26, 2004

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