Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Venezuela: thousands march to protest U.S. intervention
Govt says Washington behind provocation from Colombia
Pentagon uses secret unit for battlefield spying in Iraq
West Coast unions back Utah miners fighting for reinstatement
Palestinian police deployed at border of Gaza and Israel
Peasants in Paraguay fight for land, end of repression
Our politics start with the world
Introduction to New International no. 13 and excerpt of report by Jack Barnes
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 69/No. 5
February 7, 2005
News articles
Venezuela: thousands march to protest U.S. intervention
Govt says Washington behind provocation from Colombia
Pentagon uses secret unit for battlefield spying in Iraq
West Coast unions back Utah miners fighting for reinstatement
Palestinian police deployed at border of Gaza and Israel
Peasants in Paraguay fight for land, end of repression
Our politics start with the world
Introduction to New International no. 13 and excerpt of report by Jack Barnes
Meat packers win strike in Denmark
For first time, Cuba is free of tetanus
U.S. govt: military option is still on table against Iran
Cuba condemns Guantánamo prisoner abuse
San Francisco: 4,000 march to defend a womans right to choose
Workers win union certification at 2nd Wal-Mart store in Quebec
In inaugural, Bush invokes freedom, pledges to continue imperialist policies
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