Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Co-Op miners in Utah press union-organizing fight
Workers picket loadout where bosses are training replacements
Socialist Workers organize to get candidates on ballot
Thousands in China, Korea protest effort to whitewash Tokyo's crimes
Rumsfeld: 'No exit strategy' from Iraq for U.S. troops
World War II: Three wars in one
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 69/No. 16
April 25, 2005
News articles
Co-Op miners in Utah press union-organizing fight
Workers picket loadout where bosses are training replacements
Socialist Workers organize to get candidates on ballot
Thousands in China, Korea protest effort to whitewash Tokyo's crimes
Rumsfeld: 'No exit strategy' from Iraq for U.S. troops
World War II: Three wars in one
U.S.-Mexico border: vigilantes hunt immigrants
Washington aids antilabor campaign by increasing number of border cops
Passport control tightened at U.S. borders
New Zealand bus drivers fight for better wages
U.S.-backed 'independent library' campaign in Cuba falls flat
UK rulers push 'Britain First' in election campaign
Communist League candidates promote working-class alternative
U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal of Pennsylvania case on ‘neutral reporting privilege’
Hundreds attend U.S. Women of Color conference
Regional forums will promote Militant Fighting Fund
Utah coal bosses pursue harassment lawsuit
C.W. Mining lawyers answers miners’ motion to dismiss case
‘New International’ sales campaign off, running
Nearly 300 subscribe in first week of ‘Militant’ sub drive
Militant Fund quotas now top int’l goal
Women and the 1983 Burkina Faso revolution
N.Y. bus drivers strike over early retirement
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