Vol. 69/No. 41 October 24, 2005
News articles
New Orleans cops assault Black man
Airing of video forces officers suspension
Teamsters expand organizing independent truckers in South
Hiring halls to open in Charleston, Savannah
Meat packers, taxi drivers, truckers snap up Militant subscriptions
Striking airline mechanics fight denial of jobless pay
GM auto parts supplier files for bankruptcy; to slash wages, jobs
As we go to press…
Socialist candidates in Miami back fights by truckers, taxi drivers
New Zealand: timber workers walk out, demand wage increase
Iceland: shipyard workers fight for back pay
Utah miners use T-shirt to promote union fight
Ford retakes parts plants; to cut wages, jobs
Massey refiles defamation suit against UMWA
Utah coal company presses retaliatory lawsuit
N.Y. cab drivers protest imposition of spying device
(photo box)
$13,000 needed weekly to meet goal of Socialist Workers party-building fund
Great Society
U.S. govt appeals ruling anulling convictions of Cuban 5
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Evacuation killed more than storm in Texas
Gulf Coast farmers face deeper crisis after Rita
Appeal to our readers
Hundreds honor Puerto Rican independence fighter
(photo box)
Alberta: unionists strike meat plant
Racism: a world, not just an American, problem
U.S. rulers target Iran, Syria, Islamic jihadism
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