A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 69/No. 47December 5, 2005
News articles
Democrats, Republicans outdo each other in backing Iraq war
Factionalism rife among capitalist politicians
Venezuela: Tens of thousands march to protest U.S. aggression, back gov’t in dispute with Mexico
Welcome! 3,200 new ‘Militant’ subscribers
After winning contract, meat packers in Canada fight for stronger union
Striking mechanics rally in Minnesota; Northwest Airlines imposes wage cuts on entire workforce
‘Cuba’s experience is at your disposal’
Víctor Dreke, Cuba’s ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, speaks at first book fair in Central African nation
On the Picket Line
Medical students demand health care for all
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N.Y.: hundreds pay tribute to Puerto Rican independence fighter Filiberto Ojeda Ríos
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U.S. Congress ready to renew antidemocratic Patriot Act
Protesters counter racist rally in Kingston, N.Y.
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Socialist Workers party-building fund goes over the top, raising $92,515
The Great Society
China: working people protest layoffs, unsafe conditions
SWP supporters’ financial campaign: a resounding success
25, 50 and 75 years ago
S.F. event: Africa and fight to transform world
Atlanta protesters support Ogoni people’s struggle for autonomy in Nigeria
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