Vol. 69/No. 50 December 26, 2005
News articles
Ireland: 100,000 rally to back ferry workers
Seafarers win fight against union busting
New Orleans: hundreds march for ‘Justice after Katrina’
European powers commit more occupation troops for Afghanistan after Rice tour
1,200 miners, other workers march in St. Louis to back union organizing
Air marshals kill mentally ill man in Miami; passengers dispute bomb claim
N.Y. transit workers resist ‘productivity drive,’ health-care and pension cuts for new hires
‘Oil is not the curse in Africa, imperialism is’
New York event hears report from first book fair in Equatorial Guinea
Australian gov’t boosts cop powers for ‘counterterrorism’
Stanley Williams executed after governor of California rejects demands for clemency
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Miami: ‘Free Jean-Juste from Haitian prison’
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Palestinian acquitted of ‘terror’ charges in Florida; supporters demand his freedom now
Dec. 10 actions promote union organizing
Protesters outmobilize rightists in Toledo; police arrest 30
Appeal to our readers
Great Society
On the Picket Line
New Zealand: KFC workers demand pay hike
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Books on working-class politics sell well at Montreal book fair
25, 50 and 75 years ago
10 years since imperialist intervention in Bosnia: main class contradictions remain unresolved
Cuba’s role in southern African freedom fight
Fidel Castro speaks on 30th anniversary of Cuban fighters’ arrival in Angola
Changing meaning of democracy in class society
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