Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Support N.Y. transit workers
Their fight is cause of all working people
Strikers resist two-tier pensions, want dignity on job
U.S. rulers trumpet Iraqi election as step in drive to win ‘war on terror’
Utah miners, fighting for union, picket Co-Op mine
Bolivia election registers popular mood to resist plunder by imperialism
U.S. gov’t defends domestic spying on calls, e-mail
Australia: 1000s protest racist attack on people of Arab descent
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 70/No. 1
January 9, 2006
News articles
Support N.Y. transit workers
Their fight is cause of all working people
Strikers resist two-tier pensions, want dignity on job
U.S. rulers trumpet Iraqi election as step in drive to win ‘war on terror’
Utah miners, fighting for union, picket Co-Op mine
Bolivia election registers popular mood to resist plunder by imperialism
U.S. gov’t defends domestic spying on calls, e-mail
Australia: 1000s protest racist attack on people of Arab descent
Quebec sovereignty central in Canada election campaign
’Militant’ holiday schedule
Using Iranian president’s remarks on Israel, imperialists push to isolate Tehran
Militant Fighting Fund wins new support
Participants in Equatorial Guinea book fair speak on campuses
On the Picket Line
China: cops kill peasants protesting gov’t land seizures
U.S. high court: gov’t can seize retirees’ Social Security to pay student loans
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Gas engineers strike in UK
(photo box)
How U.S. imperialism, allies fueled Yugoslav war
Angola became stronghold for African liberation struggles
Fidel Castro speaks on 30th anniversary of Cuban fighters’ arrival in Angola
The FBI’s spying and disruption operations
UK rulers take steps to revive nuclear power
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