Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
State orders end to use of ‘loyalty oath’
Responds to Pennsylvania SWP campaign
Socialist candidates in N.Y.: Nationalize energy industry!
Defeat of Utah coal boss suit: a gain for labor, working class
Israeli military widens ground invasion of Lebanon
City Council in Avon Park, Florida, rejects anti-immigrant ordinance
State report on Sago explosion faults mine seal construction
Another coal miner dies in Kentucky, bringing year’s toll in United States to 36
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 70/No. 29
August 7, 2006
News articles
State orders end to use of ‘loyalty oath’
Responds to Pennsylvania SWP campaign
Socialist candidates in N.Y.: Nationalize energy industry!
Defeat of Utah coal boss suit: a gain for labor, working class
Israeli military widens ground invasion of Lebanon
City Council in Avon Park, Florida, rejects anti-immigrant ordinance
State report on Sago explosion faults mine seal construction
Another coal miner dies in Kentucky, bringing year’s toll in United States to 36
Pro-choice demonstrators express support for clinic in Jackson, Mississippi
Help ‘Militant’ get second digital camera
U.S., Ethiopian rulers step up intervention in Somalia
Farmers take over land in Paraguay
On the Picket Line
25, 50 and 75 years ago
20,000 rally in Sydney against Israeli assaults
(photo box)
Thousands join protests against Israeli assault in Lebanon
Nationalize the energy industry!
Statement by SWP candidates
Washington, Tokyo push ‘missile defense’
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