Vol. 74/No. 11 March 22, 2010
News articles
Calif. protesters say: Stop education cuts!
Thousands rally against school layoffs
U.S. forces organize to hold Marjah for long haul
Iceland vote shows anger at bailouts, austerity
Militant, book campaign presents communist response
D.C. march to press legalization in face of rise in deportations
Bolshevik Revolution and U.S. Black struggle
Teamsters go on strike at Philadelphia market
Scotland protest opposes school cutbacks
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Utah bill would make intentional miscarriage criminal homicide
Students and workers protest N.Y. transit cuts
We cant be passive about attacks on public education
Sell the book on workers power
Seattle students march against tuition hikes
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Puerto Rico: Why independence is a necessity
Iraq: U.S. troop reduction scheduled to start in May
Iraqi govt conducts 2nd parliamentary election
Conference held on Chinese labor in Australia
Democrats, Republicans quietly renew antiworker Patriot Act
25, 50 and 75 years ago
March to D.C. by 4 Miami students reaches Atlanta
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