Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Flooded regions need massive U.S. gov’t funds
‘Millions of jobless could be put to work’
Afghan war: hunter-killer units used by White House
‘High green, high ball’— Road is open!
Syrian toilers press rebellion despite two-month crackdown
Union officials in Connecticut submit to cuts
How women became, and will cease being, ‘the second sex’
Final volume of ‘Woman’s Evolution’ to be published in Iran—a moment to celebrate
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 75/No. 21 May 30, 2011
News articles
Flooded regions need massive U.S. gov’t funds
‘Millions of jobless could be put to work’
Afghan war: hunter-killer units used by White House
‘High green, high ball’— Road is open!
Syrian toilers press rebellion despite two-month crackdown
Union officials in Connecticut submit to cuts
How women became, and will cease being, ‘the second sex’
Final volume of ‘Woman’s Evolution’ to be published in Iran—a moment to celebrate
Production push spurred New Zealand mine disaster
Black lung disease on rise among coal miners
FBI arrests advocate for Puerto Rican independence
Supreme Court strikes blow to 4th Amendment
Chipotle workers fight firings in Washington, D.C.
Workers, youth give to Militant Fighting Fund
Atlanta vigil backs death-row inmate Troy Davis
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Picket in Keokuk, Iowa, backs locked-out workers
Pennsylvania: Health workers fight union busting
(photo box)
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Get the message out—Recruit to Militant Army
International socialist education and active workers conference set for June 9-11
Capitalism creates forces of its own destruction
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