Vol. 75/No. 29 August 8, 2011
Striking building workers rally in Queens, N.Y. |
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Militant/Paul Mailhot
QUEENS, New York, July 26—Fifty building workers, family members, supporters, and Dayton Beach Park Co-Op tenants rallied here in Rockaway Beach to back members of Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ, on strike since July 7. Workers are fighting planned layoffs and a wage freeze by the co-op’s board of directors. Board president Jennifer Grady recently wrote a scurrilous letter to a local paper, The Wave, accusing strikers of intimidation, drunkenness, and racism. “Tenants support us,” striker Phil Provenzano told the Militant. “Jennifer Grady is using intimidation and scare tactics. She says we are responsible for fees going up, but everything is going up—milk, transit, gas, rent.” —DEBORAH LIATOS Related articles: Iowa lockout ends: union fought, came out stronger A leader of fight against Iowa lockout thanks ‘Militant’ Illinois: Locked-out Honeywell workers to vote on contract Bombardier layoffs met by British nationalist demagogy Front page (for this issue) | Home | Text-version home |