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Vol. 75/No. 29      August 8, 2011

Illinois: Locked-out Honeywell
workers to vote on contract
METROPOLIS, Illinois, July 27—Workers at Honeywell’s uranium conversion plant here will vote on a new contract offer later this week, according to Darrell Lillie, president of United Steelworkers Local 7-669. Members of the local were locked out by the company 13 months ago after rejecting concessions demanded by Honeywell, including a 10 percent wage reduction, elimination of seniority and retiree medical benefits, and pension cuts.

Local members have maintained 24-hour picket lines at the plant and organized solidarity rallies here, winning support from workers in the Midwest and beyond. They’ve traveled to Wisconsin, Indiana, and Keokuk, Iowa, bringing solidarity to workers standing up to government and company union busting.

“We want to thank everybody throughout the United States and the world for their support and help,” Lillie told the Militant. “Without that we would never have gotten this far.”
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