Vol. 75/No. 31 September 5, 2011
News articles
Sugar workers resolute in fight against lockout
Reach out for solidarity in Upper Midwest
Rebel forces take Tripoli in Libyan civil war
Socialist campaigns for natl jobs plan – now!
Demonstrations shake Israel along with illusions about it
Verizon strikers return to work, fight against takebacks is still on
Political ammunition for practical battles
Forewords to Indonesian editions of two classics on road to womens emancipation
Australia rulers debate carbon tax on workers
Locked-out Pa. Steelworkers gain support
(photo box)
Ottawa threatens to deport 1,800 citizens
Tribute to life of Eva Chertov
Congressional candidates air views on Queens TV
Event in LA wins new support for Cuban Five
Cuban court upholds term for US agent
Cuban Five prisoner files for new hearing
On the Picket Line
West Virginia coal miner is killed in 13th US mine death
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Why payments to bondholders are sacrosanct to US rulers
Protesters in Syria defy murderous regime
Workers consider speedup bonus a bribe
Nicaraguan govt and bishops uphold abortion ban
Chicago: Hundreds protest govt attack on immigrants
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