Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
In face of capitalist crisis, we need a fighting course to win workers power
Vote Socialist Workers Party in Sept. 13 NY special election!
NY socialist campaign in home stretch
A weekly voice of workers’ solidarity
Protest plan to execute Troy Davis Sept. 21
Demonstrations in Israel spur discussion on road forward
Locked-out workers protest scab-running outfit in Minn.
US imperialists concerned over losing clout to China in Pacific
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 75/No. 33 September 19, 2011
News articles
In face of capitalist crisis, we need a fighting course to win workers power
Vote Socialist Workers Party in Sept. 13 NY special election!
NY socialist campaign in home stretch
A weekly voice of workers’ solidarity
Protest plan to execute Troy Davis Sept. 21
Demonstrations in Israel spur discussion on road forward
Locked-out workers protest scab-running outfit in Minn.
US imperialists concerned over losing clout to China in Pacific
No evacuation plan in NY for inmates during storm
Ex-mayor of Chicago named in torture suit
‘Workers need to stand up’
Steelworkers in Pa. fight Armstrong’s lockout
Imperialists vie for access to Libyan oil profits
On the Picket Line
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Washington deepens ties with N. Zealand military
Spanish weekly interviews socialist
(photo box)
Police spying is ‘part of capitalist democracy’
Why ‘Caucasian’ and not ‘white’?
Front page (for this issue)
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