Vol. 75/No. 39 October 31, 2011
News articles
Sugar workers solid in fight against bosses union busting
Immigrants stand up to Alabama antiworker law
1-day strike hits plants, schools in parts of state
Social crisis, class struggle spur interest in Militant
ILWU workers spread word about union battle at Washington port
White House sends special forces to 4 countries in Central Africa
Fidel Castro on how Cuban Revolution was won
Strategic Counteroffensive contains invaluable lessons on forging working-class leadership
NZ: Indonesian fishermen refuse to accept ill treatment
US rulers push drug tests for welfare, unemployment
NY mayor backs off move to evict Occupy Wall St.
Public meetings boost SWP fund
Imports for 2011 holidays down at US ports
Longshore workers snatch up Teamster books
On the Picket Line
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Australia rally demands Free the Cuban Five!
Capitalist economy has entered long-term crisis
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