Vol. 79/No. 12 April 6, 2015
News articles
Israel vote marks political openings for workers, Arabs
Oil workers still on strike at 3 holdout companies
Bosses, union settle at Shell, Tesoro
‘Militant’ to launch sales campaign, fighting fund
Socialist candidate in Chicago builds solidarity for oil strikers
Cuba, Latin American gov’ts condemn US attacks on Venezuela
1,000 protest cop assault on Black student at U of Virginia
‘No battle waged by revolutionaries
ends with what you once did’
Cuban Five tell students in Havana: ‘The more
selfless you are, the happier, freer men and
women you will be’
NY meeting kicks off tour against naval base in SKorea
(photo box)
Pussy Riot speaks on cop brutality in US, Ukraine war
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Communist League opens campaign hall in Calgary
(photo box)
Mexican farmworkers strike for better wages, conditions
US tours demand truth about 43 ‘disappeared’ in Mexico
Solidarity mission to Venezuela counters US threats
Kurds battle Islamic State, Iran expands role in Iraq
Rail workers, community members discuss safety
Crimea: One year of Moscow’s occupation
Rail and dockworkers join iron miners strike in Mauritania
Space Needle workers rally for wage increase in Seattle
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