Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Le Militant
Join the Socialist Workers Party 2016 US presidential campaign!
Alyson Kennedy for president ❖ Osborne Hart for vice president
The SWP candidates
Sanders’ socialist reform program aims to save crises-ridden capitalism
End US economic embargo of Cuba
1,000s flee Moscow’s bombings, assault on Aleppo by Syrian regime
Cuban 5: ‘We extended solidarity and received it’
Cuban revolutionaries, fellow workers in US prisons resist ‘justice’ system organized to break them
a magazine of Marxist politics and theory from 1934 to the present
issues of the monthly Spanish-language socialist magazine from 1999 to 2005
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 80/No. 7 February 22, 2016
News articles
Join the Socialist Workers Party 2016 US presidential campaign!
Alyson Kennedy for president ❖ Osborne Hart for vice president
The SWP candidates
Sanders’ socialist reform program aims to save crises-ridden capitalism
End US economic embargo of Cuba
1,000s flee Moscow’s bombings, assault on Aleppo by Syrian regime
National Campaign Committee
Cuban 5: ‘We extended solidarity and received it’
Cuban revolutionaries, fellow workers in US prisons resist ‘justice’ system organized to break them
‘Workers need control on job to ensure safety’
(photo box)
Rallies in France demand ‘End state of emergency!’
(photo box)
Calif. protesters demand end to torturous prison practices
Attempted murder charges filed under anti-abortion law
‘The truth will come out: Finicum was flat murdered’
Walmart closes 269 stores worldwide, affecting 1,000s
Montreal city workers strike to defend public services, jobs
New Zealand meat workers broaden fight to defend union
Front page (for this issue)
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