Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Le Militant
Audio issues
an audio version of the
in English
US colonialism is root of carnage in Puerto Rico
More than a century of working-class resistance
Revolution in Cuba shows road forward for workers
‘To unite the working class would be tremendous’
Rulers political crisis continues as Democrats, Republicans splinter
Supreme Court set to take on anti-union case vs. dues checkoff
Kurds stand firm for independence against blockade by Baghdad
Capitalist crisis, attacks on autonomy behind Catalan vote
click here for information and literature from the Socialist Workers Party 2016 campaign
a magazine of Marxist politics and theory from 1934 to the present
an international news magazine published from 1963 to 1986
a socialist magazine in Spanish published from 1977 to 2005
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 81/No. 39 October 23, 2017
News articles
US colonialism is root of carnage in Puerto Rico
More than a century of working-class resistance
Revolution in Cuba shows road forward for workers
‘To unite the working class would be tremendous’
Rulers political crisis continues as Democrats, Republicans splinter
Supreme Court set to take on anti-union case vs. dues checkoff
Kurds stand firm for independence against blockade by Baghdad
Capitalist crisis, attacks on autonomy behind Catalan vote
Communist League joins debate in NZ election
Walmart workers give ‘blood money’ to build SWP
Railworkers face frame-up trial in Lac-Mégantic disaster
Labour Party mayor in London puts 1,000s of Uber drivers out of work
‘Cuban Revolution will never yield sovereignty, principles’
Díaz-Canel: ‘Che says you can’t trust imperialism’
US gov’t uses pretext of ‘mystery illness’ to attack Cuba
Anti-imperialist youth festival kicks off in Sochi, Russia
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