Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Le Militant
Audio issues
an audio version of the
in English
Protest the assault against Kurdistan!
US out of Mideast! Accept Kurds referendum vote!
With US complicity, Baghdad seizes Kurdish city of Kirkuk
Workers face carnage amid capitalist ‘recovery’
The ‘Militant’ helps workers ‘know what’s going on’
Deaths, damage from California fires heightened by capitalism
Florida prison officials step up censorship against ‘Militant’
Fidel Castro: People ‘like Che exist by the million’
Slander against Cuban leaders aimed at revolution
click here for information and literature from the Socialist Workers Party 2016 campaign
a magazine of Marxist politics and theory from 1934 to the present
an international news magazine published from 1963 to 1986
a socialist magazine in Spanish published from 1977 to 2005
Click here for the record
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 81/No. 40 October 30, 2017
News articles
Protest the assault against Kurdistan!
US out of Mideast! Accept Kurds referendum vote!
With US complicity, Baghdad seizes Kurdish city of Kirkuk
Workers face carnage amid capitalist ‘recovery’
The ‘Militant’ helps workers ‘know what’s going on’
Deaths, damage from California fires heightened by capitalism
Florida prison officials step up censorship against ‘Militant’
Fidel Castro: People ‘like Che exist by the million’
Slander against Cuban leaders aimed at revolution
Fall campaign set to expand orders for Pathfinder books
Paris: Books by SWP leaders sell at protests, book fair
(photo box)
DC meeting discusses revolutionary legacy of Sankara
Madrid steps up threats, attacks against Catalan national rights
Colonial rule turns storm damage into social disaster
Anti-imperialist Youth Festival opens in Sochi
(photo box)
Decades of war in Somalia rooted in imperialist domination
Maurice Bishop: ‘No one has the right to tell us what to do’
Front page (for this issue)
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