Book by Cuban leader José Ramón Fernández launched

By Matilde Zimmermann
February 22, 2019

Meeting to launch Un hombre afortunado (A Fortunate Man) by José Ramón Fernández, one of the Cuban revolution’s historic leaders, at Havana International Book Fair Feb. 13. From left, Col. Rigoberto Santiesteban, director of Verde Olivo publishing house; Abel Prieto, director of José Martí Program and former minister of culture; Div. Gen. Ulises Rosales del Toro; and Isora Gutiérrez, editor of book. Inset, part of audience at meeting.

Meeting to launch Un hombre afortunado (A Fortunate Man) by José Ramón Fernández, one of the Cuban revolution’s historic leaders, at Havana International Book Fair Feb. 13. From left, Col. Rigoberto Santiesteban, director of Verde Olivo publishing house; Abel Prieto, director of José Martí Program and former minister of culture; Div. Gen. Ulises Rosales del Toro; and Isora Gutiérrez, editor of book. Inset, part of audience at meeting.