SANTE FE SPRINGS, Calif. — Members of Local 37 of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union at Jon Donaire went on strike here Nov. 3. Their chant is “Raise, respect and pension!”
They make products under the Jon Donaire Dessert brand for the Rich Products-owned bakery in Los Angeles County. The plant employs about 180 to 200 workers, a majority women. Some 30 workers did not join the strike.
“We worked all the way through the pandemic because we like our jobs and we are here to do a good job. We make ice cream cakes that are sold worldwide. We want a dollar raise,” shop steward Julissa Marquez says on the union website.
Workers on the picket line told this reporter that they are not told about overtime until the end of their shift, making it especially hard for women because of child care responsibilities. Another problem is injuries caused by repetitive work and fast line speed.
The unionists maintain their picket line 24 hours a day and welcome other workers to visit and support them.