Help Militant fund drive

By Ilona Gersh
April 29, 2024

As this issue goes to press, $82,963 has been received toward the goal of $165,000 for the Militant Fighting Fund, which covers the expenses of the paper. The Militant depends entirely on contributions from working people who value its reporting.

Supporters of the paper in Atlanta raised their quota from $9,500 to $10,250. “We’re getting a good response from longtime readers of the paper, as well as new contributions from workers we meet campaigning door to door,” writes Susan LaMont.

The fund is currently behind schedule but there is often a gap between when people make their pledges and when payments arrive at the Militant.

The Militant is the voice of the campaign of Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, the working-class alternative to the Biden, Trump and Kennedy campaigns.

The Militant speaks for the interests of workers striking for better wages and conditions. For fighters resisting the growing assaults on Jews. For opponents of Moscow’s war to conquer Ukraine. For workers angered at the rulers’ disregard for our lives, starkly illustrated by the deaths and impact on thousands resulting from the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. And it presents a road forward that can make it possible to replace capitalist rule with workers power.

The Militant Fighting Fund ends May 7. Send a check or money order to the Militant, 306 W. 37th St., 13th Floor, New York, NY 10018, or make a contribution online at