Richter joins locked-out Boeing firefighters’ picket

By Jacob Perasso
June 3, 2024
SWP vice presidential candidate Dennis Richter, left, on Boeing firefighters’ picket May 13.
Militant/Jacob PerassoSWP vice presidential candidate Dennis Richter, left, on Boeing firefighters’ picket May 13

SEATTLE — Dennis Richter, Rachele Fruit’s running mate as Socialist Workers Party candidate for vice president, joined International Association of Fire Fighters Local I-66 members at their picket line outside Boeing’s factory gates here May 13.

Some 125 firefighters at the company’s plants were locked out after rejecting bosses’ demand that the time to reach full pay be increased from 14 to 19 years.

The workers, who prevent highly dangerous and toxic fires from breaking out, are demanding a 40% wage raise.

Richter spoke with Terry McCartin, a retired firefighter who walked the picket line in solidarity. “I joined the picket line of striking Teamsters at Molson Coors brewery in Fort Worth, Texas, where I’m from,” Richter said. “I’m joining picket lines wherever I go, bringing solidarity.”

“We have had several other unions walk the picket line with us, including the International Association of Machinists,” McCartin said. The contract for the 32,000 IAM members at Boeing expires in September.

“We need a labor party to organize the fight for the things workers need,” said Richter. “We need a guaranteed basic income for all working-class families, that is an income sufficient to keep working, not sitting at home where your self-worth goes to heck.”

Richter also campaigned with supporters at the International Longshore and Warehouse Union hiring hall May 10. “The billionaires control both the Democrats and Republicans, and those parties will carry out their interests,” Richter told longshore worker Ryan Schaffer. “We need a labor party that advances a foreign policy in workers’ interests, including defending Israel’s right to exist as a refuge from Jew-hatred and pogroms.”

“I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I don’t like what Hamas is doing and I don’t like what Israel is doing,” said Schaffer, adding that Israeli military attacks should be more precise to minimize casualties.

“When Hamas carried out their pogrom on Oct. 7 they planned and organized for many Palestinian civilians to be killed in the war that followed. They knew they could count on support from petty-bourgeois radicals and a layer of the Democratic Party who are putting pressure on Israel to stop short of defeating them,” said Richter. “Unless Hamas is defeated, they will carry out more pogroms.”

Richter spoke at a campaign rally May 11 and joined supporters at grocery store parking lots May 16 as they campaigned for the SWP ticket. Supporters are seeking 1,000 signatures needed to place Rachele Fruit and Richter on the ballot. To join in, contact the SWP at